Greetings Listeners, and I hope you have had a fabulous day!
If you’ve never heard of #AudioMo, now is the chance to get on the bandwagon. It’s a month-long challenge that takes place yearly in June. To participate, just record an audio clip daily, then post it to social media with the hashtag #AudioMo. Another part of participation is listening to posts from others, as it not only provides great material for discussion, and great connection with new and familiar voices is just one of the beautiful things in life. To make this easy, open a timeline that features all tweets with the #AudioMo hashtag, and don’t worry if you don’t have a fancy microphone or studio setup. Most people record using apps already installed on their phones, so there are great tools out there to bring your voice into the world. Why not give it a try! 🙂
Today is the first day of the #audioMo journey for 2021, and I feel what topic would be more fitting than discussing my mental healing process. Recently, I’ve learned a lot about myself, what works and what doesn’t work to improve my health, and what gets me through day to day. I hope what I have to share helps you.
I will be discussing meditation in the program, but not in the way you might think. So many people focus on promoting meditation, and it is definitely beneficial for one to try, but I think meditation has become more of a marketing trend instead of being appreciate as an ancient practice used respectively in modern life. Also, the term “Mindfulness” is used quite often in conjunction with meditation, and while I do believe it is a component of meditation, it is definitely not the same. I hope the steps I provide help you become one whom you are satisfied with. It’s important to be happy with oneself for others to respect who you are.
Big thanks go out to everyone who listens, and if you want to add comments, please get in touch. Perhaps this is an area we can expand on with a discussion panel, as multiple heads are certainly better than one. 🙂 I hope this helps, and I wish a fabulous day to all. Blessings and hugs. 🙂