Hello, and welcome to the first in a 12-part series for Christmas called the 12 days of Podcasting!
For episode one, we have an Origami box. Before I finish out this post however, I wanted to make something clear. I mentioned several times in the episode that the instructions for this project were on another blog, and I would link to this project in the show notes here. Unfortunately, I’ve just discovered the page has been taken down, even though I visited it less than a week ago. Unfortunately, the episode has already been edited and recorded, so I can’t go back and fix that, but thanks to Lindy for bringing us the origami blintz box project. Whenever the post is put back up I will update this post accordingly.
In the meantime enjoy this episode because it’s almost an hour long. I not only talk about and demonstrate how to make an origami box, but I invite my listeners at the beginning to help make a Christmas voice collage with me. This means I’ll be collecting Christmas messages from my listeners, and putting them all together in a nice little episode to be submitted on Christmas day. If you want to participate, get in touch on Twitter if you want to contribute, @morning_song. I’m also available at morningsong24@gmail.com should you wish to email me instead. Your messages should be of decent quality free of background noise as much as possible. If you have children, a spouse, or other family and friend with you, feel free to invite them into the recording. The message should consist of three things. First, your name and a brief intro of yourself, followed by your favorite childhood tradition you still observe to this day. Finally, the message should end with you answering the following question. What is one of the most precious gifts you’ve received on Christmas that wasn’t wrapped? Of course, you’ll conclude with holiday wishes for the listeners, and that should do it. Get in touch with me using the methods mentioned above, and we’ll figure out the best way for you to send me your messages. The deadline to get these to me is by christmas eve at noon. I put this here in the shownotes in case people aren’t able to hear the podcast for whatever reason. for those wanting instructions in text about how to build the origami box, please get in touch.
Well, that does it for today’s episode. JOin me here tomorrow for more fun! I look forward to seeing you there. Until then, have a great day.