Greetings Listeners,
I hope you’re enjoying AudioMo so far. Today is June 10, 2021, so I know I’m a bit behind. The last two days, however, have been wonderful. I’ve been able to catch up with old friends on lengthy phone calls. I very much enjoyed catching up and remembering old times. It is very much what I needed at this moment. I sincerely hope you have loved ones supporting you. No one can truly walk on this earth completely alone. If you feel alone, there are resources to help. Don’t let the difficulty of the times let you believe there is no hope.
Anyway, I’m presenting one of my recent recordings of Zappa, taken last year when we had our roommate with us. I mention that because you will here her voice in the recording as she talks to him. This is a grumpy Zappa, wanting belly rubs and attention, and is not happy he’s not having all his needs met in this early morning hour. 🙂 My Zappy never ceases to speak his mind.
I hope you enjoy this recording, and I’ll present another one for June 9th, but I’ve put together something special for today’s AudioMo. Look forward to seeing you.
Take care, and blessings to all.
Melissa and Zappa