#AudioMo 2021 Day 5: My Favorite Comfort Food and other things

Mel’s Podtastic Life
Mel’s Podtastic Life
#AudioMo 2021 Day 5: My Favorite Comfort Food and other things

Greetings listeners,

Welcome to day 5 of AudioMo. I hope all is well.
Today was kind of one of those off days where your brain remains in a pocket of fog. I tried doing multiple recordings of today’s post and finally managed to get it right. You ever have days like that, where you’re just out of sorts and need a bit of extra brain power to put one meaningful sentence out there? 🙂 Yeah, today was like that for me.

Anyway, I still hope you can enjoy today’s post. I talk about my favorite comfort food and share a couple of things that have happened today. How about you? What is your go-to comfort food. Let me know in the comments below, or post a #AudioMo and join in the fun!
I look forward to hearing from you. Take care, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

Blessings and hugs to all,
Melissa and Guide Dog Zappa

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